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This document only provides information for the academic year selected and does not form part of the student contract
Huddersfield Business School
Credit Rating:
Level (including FHEQ):
I (FHEQ Level 5)
Graded or Non Graded:
Version Valid From:
Module Leader:
Raymond Adu
Version Number
Learning Methods
Guided Independent Study
Tutorial and Project Supervision
In this module you’ll learn about the British economic history from the Post-World War and the structure and performance of the British economy, the role of the state in economic development and Britain’s changing position in the global economy. You’ll also have the opportunity to learn about economic and social … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning Strategy
The methods used to achieve the course objectives will include the following:
Lectures and seminars will be used along with a range of activities to assist learning. Students’ presentation and group discussions may all form part of the learning strategy, as appropriate. To help students learn more effectively, this module … For more content click the Read More button below.
Outline Syllabus
British economic history in the post-war period;Modern economic growth and the causes of wealth and poverty;Industrial Revolution, technical innovation and its origins;Debates about development and developmental policy;The evolution of agriculture, commerce and industries in British India in early 20th century;The last century’s trade, investment and globalisation pattern;The industrialisation and policy … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students will
Demonstrate an understanding of the main themes in the post-war i.e. 1945 economic history of the UK.
Be aware of critical theories on economic issues and the limitation of each approach.
Appreciate some of the policy dilemmas facing developing countries.
Compare and contrast different explanations of the British and developing countries history in the way which enables students to understand the debate about causes of growth and crisis.
Understand how to examine the process and understand limitation of these major theories and explanations.
Demonstrate their understanding of developing countries’ position in the international economy and factors that influence growth and development process in the developing countries.
Formative Assessment
Assessment 1: Other
Summative Assessment
Assessment 1: Presentation
Assessment 2: Written Assignment
Assessment Criteria
The assessment criteria are as set out in the Huddersfield Business School Assessment Guidelines. The guidelines provide criteria for the assessment of both coursework’s and examinations.
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