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School of Human and Health Sciences

Credit Rating:


Level (including FHEQ):

M (FHEQ Level 7)

Graded or Non Graded:


Version Valid From:


Module Leader:

Ruth Neville

Version Number


Learning Methods

Guided Independent Study


This module provides the opportunity for you to examine the complexity of the relationship between legislation and health and social care and social work practice. It will assist you in enhancing your knowledge of a wide range of professional social work laws and will examine how legislation sets the boundaries … For more content click the Read More button below. This module is designed to equip students with detailed applied legal knowledge in areas of adult and children practice. In this module you will critically examine the complexity of the relationship between the political context, legislation and social work practice and develop your knowledge of a wide range of legal areas relevant to professional social work in relation to adults and children. This will enable you, when in practice, to work within statutory and legal requirements. You will examine how legislation provides the framework within which social work and social welfare services are offered, how it sets the boundaries for social work practice and how it determines the roles and responsibilities of social workers. You will examine the contradictions and dilemmas which confront practitioners when applying the law within their practice, identifying how the law can sometimes support and sometimes challenge professional values. You will develop skills in presenting legal arguments, evidence and recommendations with confidence and authority. You will critically consider how different options for practice balance legal rules, moral rules and individual and collective rights. This module will provide you with underpinning knowledge that is required to meet the Chief Social Workers’ Knowledge and Skills Statements.

Learning Strategy

Lectures – formal presentation and critical discussion of legislation and policy.Classroom debates.Virtual learning environment – independent study related to podcasts, recorded videos, screencasts, and written materials.

Outline Syllabus

• Application of the law when working with Children and Families, including risk and safeguarding issues• Application of the law when working with Adults, including risk and safeguarding issues• Human Rights- a critical understanding of the role of the law in promoting human right and social justice• Political impact and … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will
Systematically interrogate and critique the relationship between the law and social work practice.
Critically and systematically engage with law and practice in relation to safeguarding issues.
Critically apply appropriate legal knowledge to practice situations in the context of a strong professional value base.
Present recommendations in a professional and authoritative way.

Formative Assessment

Assessment 1: Other

Summative Assessment

Assessment 1: Presentation
Assessment 2: Written Assignment

Assessment Criteria

The School generic grading criteria at masters level and the learning outcomes will apply. The expectation is that text based assessment tasks will be submitted via Turnitin®.

My Reading

Reading List