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Huddersfield Business School

Credit Rating:


Level (including FHEQ):

I (FHEQ Level 5)

Graded or Non Graded:


Version Valid From:


Module Leader:

Rabake Nana

Version Number


Learning Methods

Tutorial and Project Supervision
Guided Independent Study


Business Planning: Understanding the relationship between strategy and planning.  Identifying the best tools and techniques to use in the production of a business plan. Including methods of internal and external analysis. Understanding the role and methods of forecasting and the different methods of planning. SME Management: The nature, structure and … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning Strategy

The module will adopt a range of learning strategies, though essentially students will learn by experience. Lectures and tutorials will provide basic information and enable exploration of the planning issues and opportunities for analysis.  Students will be expected to work in groups. Use will be made of the University the … For more content click the Read More button below. The SME Management focus will be delivered by one lecture and alternative week tutorials with students’ “contracted” to produce “deliverables” to help them understand the reality and constraints that small business face.

Outline Syllabus

Business Planning: The relationship between strategy and planning; setting targets and performance standards for profit making and non-profit making organisations; simple forecasting; cash flow forecast; financing the plan; alternative sources of finance; assessing viability of the long term projections (profit and loss and balance sheets). Producing a business plan; integrating … For more content click the Read More button below. SME Management:  The student will progress sequentially through a business development cycle – opportunity recognition, product/service selection; competency assessment and development; network development; advisor relationships; understanding and managing the SME life cycle; nurturing an appropriate entrepreneurial culture; monitoring, controlling and forecasting; appropriate growth strategies, surviving crises; developing through franchising. Defining and categorising small business, the particular environment, opportunities and threats germane to the SME.  Looking at the following areas. Entrepreneurship and the SME; the marketing/entrepreneurship interface. Entrepreneurial, marketing and quality orientations. SME competencies and the particular competencies for the entrepreneurial SME.  The importance of networking. The business development model elaborated.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will
Have a clear understanding of the nature and potential of an SME.
Understand the appropriate academic context within which to study an SME.
Understand the role of entrepreneurship within an SME, and perhaps as appropriate, in themselves.
Have a critical understanding of the techniques to facilitate improved business performance
Understand the techniques to critically analyse industries and companies.
Develop and apply appropriate business models and research techniques.
Understand, process and critique case study situations.
At a cursory level consider their own personal creative and entrepreneurial tendencies and enhanced communications skills through group work.
Have improved his/her capability in the business related skills outlined in the module aims.

Formative Assessment

Assessment 1: Other

Summative Assessment

Assessment 1: Presentation
Assessment 2: Written Assignment

Assessment Criteria

The assessment criteria are as set out in the Huddersfield Business School Assessment    Guidelines.  The guidelines provide criteria for the assessment of both coursework and examinations.

My Reading

Reading List