Please note

This document only provides information for the academic year selected and does not form part of the student contract


School of Education and Professional Development

Credit Rating:


Level (including FHEQ):

H (FHEQ Level 6)

Graded or Non Graded:


Version Valid From:


Module Leader:

Susan Sheehan

Version Number


Learning Methods

Tutorial and Project Supervision
Guided Independent Study


In this module you will focus on the theory and practice of English language teaching. You will examine a range of methodologies and materials for the teaching of grammar and skills, from both a practical and theoretical perspective. Your assessment will be a 4 000-word report with an associated lesson … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning Strategy

The module will provide an experiential approach with most sessions consisting of tutor-led demonstrations and/or observations of TESOL lessons followed by an in-depth analysis of the methodology employed. Participants will further explore the appropriateness of different approaches through the planning and delivery of a short teaching session to a group … For more content click the Read More button below. The guided independent study will include background reading for the substantive content of the module and library-based research.

Outline Syllabus

Overview of key methodologies and approaches to language learning and their relationship with theories of Second Language Acquisition e.g. Grammar Translation, Audiolingualism, Natural Approach, Communicative Language Teaching, Task-based Learning, the post-method debates and the role of context in language teaching and learning. Approaches to teaching and learning the four skills; … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will
Critically examines methodologies for second language teaching
Critically evaluates teaching strategies for a specific educational context.
Critically reflects on and evaluates own teaching materials and practices.
Demonstrates appropriate lesson planning skills for TESOL.
Produces suitable teaching and learning materials for a specific context.

Formative Assessment

Assessment 1: Written draft

Summative Assessment

Assessment 1: Written Assignment
Assessment 2: Written Assignment
Assessment 3: Written Assignment

Assessment Criteria

The lesson plan will:• show effective lesson planning skills• include appropriate materials for the level• be relevant to the needs, interests and context of the target learners. The report will:• Justify and outline the methodology used in the lesson• Take a critical and evaluative approach to the lesson and microteaching• … For more content click the Read More button below.

My Reading

Reading List