Please note

This document only provides information for the academic year selected and does not form part of the student contract

Awarding Institution

University of Huddersfield

Final Award

PGDip Postgraduate Diploma

Teaching Institution

University of Huddersfield


Huddersfield Business School


Department of Management

Subject Benchmark Statement

PG Business and Management (including Master's) (2023)

Date of Programme Specification Approval


Version Number


Educational Aims of the Course

The Senior Leader Higher Apprenticeship is designed to develop professional/occupational competence for people who have leadership responsibilities at a higher organisational level and have responsibility for setting the tone and culture across their area of responsibility. Learners may be employed in small, medium, or large organisations located in any sector, … For more content click the Read More button below. This course is designed to fulfil the Senior Leader Apprenticeship Standard, published by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (updated 31/05/2022). The UK Quality Code for Higher Education (October 2014), Ofsted’s Education Inspection Standard (May 2019) and the QAA Characteristics Statement for Higher Education in Apprenticeships (June 2022) also informed this course. Learners will develop the knowledge, skills, and behaviours necessary to: set strategic direction; develop operational policies and practices; lead and influence projects; make decisions about organisational resource requirements; lead and respond to crisis management; lead people development; promote ethical and inclusive work cultures; report upwards; cultivate collaborative relationships; promote innovation; and comply with internal governance. Consistent with the UK apprenticeships policy agenda (Higher Education Characteristics Statement June 2022), the course has a broad goal of contributing to increased productivity and social mobility by driving up higher level skill levels and providing another route into higher education for learners in work. The main aims of the course are to: Develop senior leaders with the knowledge, skills and behaviours identified within the apprenticeship standard, to enable them to execute senior management responsibilities effectively, efficiently, and responsibly. Provide supportive learning opportunities that enable learners to successfully integrate on and off-the-job learning. Enable learners to develop communication and other interpersonal skills relevant to their role not only as senior leaders, but as professional role models and facilitators of learning for others. Encourage and support learners to develop transferable and lifelong learning skills that will enable them to progress in their career journey. Comprehensively collaborate with employers to provide coordinated support for recruitment, learning, quality monitoring and course review. The course will enable learners to develop the following attributes core to the University of Huddersfield. Self-motivated Commercially aware Enterprising Resilient An effective collaborator A confident leader Globally and socially aware Plans growth and development

Course Offering(s)

Part Time

Part Time - September
Part Time - May

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion you will be able to:
Identify and integrate knowledge relevant to strategy development and innovation, operations planning and decision making, people management and stakeholder engagement.
Understand the dynamic and changing nature of the external environment in which the organisation operates.
Critically review operational policies and practices within their area of responsibility, considering sustainability and alignment with organisation’s needs and purpose.
Assess the internal and external risks and opportunities that could affect the organisation’s performance
Design and lead projects to deliver organisational strategy.
Make decisions about organisational resource requirements (budgets, people, technology) based on strategic insight and reliable evidence.
Demonstrate how their area of responsibility is compliant with internal governance and external governance requirements.
Propose solutions to risks/challenges that meet the needs of the organisation in a responsible and ethical way.
Report to the board (or relevant governance structure) on the progress of operational activities towards achieving the organisation’s goals.
Oversee development and implementation of sustainable organisational policies and practices.
Demonstrate competence in effective communication with internal and external stakeholders.
Promote an ethical, inclusive, innovative and supportive culture that is conducive to continuous improvement.
Lead people development including talent management, succession planning, workforce design, coaching and mentoring arrangements.
Shape the approach to external communications for own area of responsibility
Cultivate and maintain collaborative relationships with senior internal and external stakeholders to influence key decision makers
Demonstrate self-awareness and self-management competences.
Identify professionally relevant development opportunities.
Conduct research into organisation and management issues that requires familiarity with a range of organisation-level data, research sources and appropriate methodologies.

Course Structure

Interim Award

Postgraduate Certificate

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Teaching, learning and assessment strategies are designed to offer learners a variety of learning and assessment opportunities that align with the knowledge, skills and behaviours specified within the standard and module learning outcomes. The teaching, learning and assessment methods offer a realistic and effective preparation for progression to End Point … For more content click the Read More button below. The teaching and learning strategy reflects the distinctive characteristics of the apprenticeship which combines classroom-based delivery with work-based learning opportunities and support. Learning methods will accommodate different learning styles and strategies, relevant for each module. Classroom based seminars promote interactive methods to support learners to acquire and develop relevant knowledge and skills. Learning activities include simulations, debates, case study activities and small group work. Use is made of the latest technology where appropriate, including, for example, podcasts or video conferencing. Where appropriate (for example, where the information or skills are not confidential or sensitive in nature), classroom sessions are supported by Lecture Capture which records audio, video and displayed computer content. Content is automatically uploaded to the VLE and can then be accessed by apprentices either in its entirety or searched for specific topics that an individual apprentice wants to revisit. As such this system allows for individual remote access whenever required to enhance learning. Attendance in classroom-based seminars is compulsory. Attendance is monitored and absences reported to the employer.  Any required absences must be approved by the Course Leader in advance. Learner self-efficacy is encouraged, and the onus is on the learner to undertake independent learning activities, accessing the virtual learning resources, both to supplement and consolidate taught content and to broaden their individual knowledge and understanding of the subject areas. Asynchronous online learning incorporates reading material, videos and bite-sized third-party e-resources linked to occupational duties (such as TED, HStalks, CMI learning journeys). These are made available using the VLE site for each module. Learners are required to identify, negotiate and schedule work activities, outside their day-to-day tasks, that provide opportunities to learn knowledge, skills and behaviours articulated in the apprenticeship standard. Workplace mentors are also responsible for identifying these opportunities.   Personal Learning and Development Learning contracts take the form of a Training Plan, which are agreed between the apprentice, employer and course leader. They include all relevant elements of the course, criteria for KSBs and how the learning is assessed. They are also used to evidence that appropriate time has been set aside to enable off-the-job learning and facilitate learning opportunities. Training and support are provided to Workplace Mentors to ensure that they have a good understanding of the apprenticeship and appreciate how the KSBs are integrated into the programme structure, together with an understanding of the expectations for engagement with, and assessment of, on-programme learning. Learners are required to engage in self-directed learning and reflection throughout their course. Learners develop a personal learning and development plan (PLDP) to assist the learning process and demonstrate the learning outcomes that have been achieved. The PLDP is maintained in conjunction with the apprentice’s Training Plan and Portfolio. The PLDP documents the record of achievement and is individualised to each learner to suit the specific role, employer and sector requirements. PLDPs are also used as a tool to monitor progress with the learner during regular reviews. Each learner has a Work-based Learning Coach (WBLC), appointed by the University of Huddersfield, to support the learning journey. The WBLC will hold tripartite reviews every 3 months with the learner and Workplace Mentor to discuss progress and identify new opportunities to develop, and demonstrate mastery of, the KSBs.  In addition to facilitating the tripartite reviews, the WBLC will be in communication every month with the learner to provide guidance, support and encouragement. Assessment Assessment methods enable learners to compile evidence, synthesizing practice and theoretical aspects, to justify the claim of mastery of knowledge and understanding, skills and abilities and behaviours defined in the Senior Leader Level 7 Apprenticeship (see Appendix 3). Details are provided in the module specification documents. Learners are supported through formative feedback, which is provide in in the classroom and in the workplace. Methods of formative feedback include: Course Lead: oversight of learning application report development progress of each learner Module Tutors: in-classroom feedback in response to learner activities (such as individual and group presentations, simulations, case studies, skills practice) Work-based Learning Coach: facilitates tripartite reviews every 3 months with the Workplace Mentor to review progress and has monthly communication with the learner to offer feedback and advise on portfolio development activities Workplace Mentors: identified by the employer, meets every 3 months with the learner and the WBLC to contribute feedback about the learner’s progress and identify opportunities for further development and mastery of KSBs. On-programme summative assessment takes a number of forms: The production of a written assignment (reflective log), which demonstrates continuing commitment to continuing professional development and engagement with module learning materials. Learning Application Report evidence (6 items per module). Evidence sources may include: video/audio extracts, written statements, project plans, observation reports, presentations, feedback from manager, supervisors or peers, papers or reports written by the apprentice, performance reviews. At the End Point Assessment Gateway, learners submit: a portfolio of evidence containing 18 discreet pieces of evidence, including an Annex that maps the relevant KSBs to the evidence provided and a statement from the employer confirming the evidence is valid and attributable to the learner. a strategic business proposal title and scope, agreed with the employer (no more than 500 words). evidence that they have achieved English and mathematics at Level 2 Following submission of these documents at the Gateway, the End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) will review the strategic business proposal title and scope to confirm its suitability prior to the work commencing on this during the End Point Assessment period. After Gateway, during the End Point Assessment period, learners conduct a strategic business proposal unaided and within 12 weeks this is submitted to the EPAO (word limit 4000 words) along with materials related to a presentation. The EPAO independent assessor reviews and assesses these submissions (over a two week period) before meeting the learner for the End Point Assessment. At the End Point Assessment, the learner will meet with the EPAO to: Deliver a presentation about the strategic business proposal that covers the appropriate KSBs (20 minutes) Respond to questioning about the proposal and presentation (20 minutes) Participate in a professional discussion about the relevant KSBs as evidenced within the portfolio (minimum of 8 questions and approximately 60 minutes)  Inclusive Learning and Teaching Acknowledging that individuals have unique needs within the educational setting and in the workplace, the course team will collaborate with the employer to ensure that learning opportunities are inclusive, safe, and supported. The course design is guided by the University’s Inclusivity Framework for Course Design. Where appropriate, reasonable adjustments will be made to procedures, activities and physical environments and will be regularly reviewed with the learner.    In line with the ethos of apprenticeships, learners are empowered to personalise their learning journey so that knowledge, skills, and behaviours can be demonstrated and evidenced within their unique workplace context. Both in and outside the classroom, supportive peer learning culture is promoted, where learners are empowered to respect and trust each other. Classroom learning activities are designed to invite participation from everyone and promote peer to peer interactions that expose learners to diverse world views and experiences. Careers and Employability The learning, teaching and assessment strategy supports learners to achieve all the Huddersfield Graduate Attributes, in particular Self-management, Commercially aware, Effective Collaborator, Confident leader, Globally and socially aware and Plans personal development, as specified in Appendix 4 and 5. British Values British Values are a key element within Personal Development for apprenticeships. British Values have been written in response to some of the issues set out in the UK Prevent Strategy and underpin the principles of a democratic and free society such as: Recognition and respect for the democratic process Respect for the rule of law Individual liberty Respect and tolerance of others The learners will benefit from regular curricular opportunities to consider the importance of equality and diversity and effective pastoral sessions that cover topics connected with fundamental British Values

Support for Students and their Learning

At course level support is provided by:

  • Course Leader

The course leaders are responsible for the entire quality assurance arrangements for the Senior Leader Higher apprenticeships.

HBS’s Learning Innovation and Development Centre (LIDC) provides support for learning.

  • Work-based Support

Learners on an apprenticeship are in employment and sponsored by their organisations to attend the course. Employers must provide learners with the following:

  • Work-based mentor who will be trained by the course team to ensure they meet the support needs of the learner.
  • Regular performance reviews in relation to the degree apprenticeship and their work-based learning. This includes the provision of 360 degree feedback in the final year.
  • Off –the-job learning (6 hours per week over the course of the apprenticeship) must take place during employed time but is learning outside of the normal day-to-day work role that leads towards the achievement of the apprenticeship.
  • Typical activities might include:
    • Workplace training that is not part of the apprentice’s normal working duties;
    • Seminars, role playing, simulations, accessing and working through VLE materials;
    • ‘Practical’ training such as shadowing, mentoring, industry visits;
    • Learning support and time spent writing assessments/ assignments.

In addition to the support outlined above learners will be registered as members of the Chartered Management Institute and will have access to both their digital and non-digital resources to support their personal and professional development. 

In compliance with the Equality Act (2010) reasonable adjustments will be made to accommodate individual needs based on a learner’s assessment with the University Disabilities Office.

Criteria for Admission

  • The University’s policy for Admissions is outlined in Section 1 of the Regulations for Awards Handbook ( The candidates must meet the following criteria for admission to the Senior Leader Higher Apprenticeship:
  • Learners must hold English and Mathematics at level 2 or equivalent or learners must agree to complete their English and Mathematics at level 2 during their on-programme learning – international equivalency will be confirmed through the UK ENIC system.
  • The employer must confirm that the learner is in an appropriate role, and working at a sufficient level, to enable them to develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills and behaviours specified within the standard.

Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of teaching and learning

Quality assurance procedures at a school level include course and module evaluation, questionnaires, regular learner panels and learner representation on committees. Full details of the methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of learning and teaching can be found in the University of Huddersfield’s Quality Assurance Procedures for Taught Courses handbook. This can be viewed online at

Please note

University awards are regulated by the Regulations for Awards (Taught Courses) on the University website.

Quick links to the Regulations for Taught Students, procedures and forms can be accessed on the University website.

Regulation of Assessment

University awards are regulated by the Regulations for Awards on the University website. Quick links to the Regulations for Taught Students, procedures and forms can be accessed on the University website. 

Exception to Regulations

The CAB model has been approved as an exemption from standard regulations.

The four modules that make up this programme will be ungraded, and the final award, Postgraduate Diploma in Management (Senior Leader Higher Apprenticeship) and exit award Postgraduate Certificate in Management will be unclassified, which has been approved as an exemption from standard regulations.

Indicators of Quality and Standards

Full details of the methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of learning and teaching can be found in the University of Huddersfield’s Quality Assurance Procedures for Taught Courses handbook.  This can be viewed online at

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