Please note
Awarding Institution
Final Award
Teaching Institution
Subject Benchmark Statement
Date of Programme Specification Approval
Version Number
Educational Aims of the Course
Course Accredited by
Course Offering(s)
Full Time
Learning Outcomes
Course Structure
Interim Award
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Support for Students and their Learning
- Year tutors are available to provide guidance on academic progress.
- Module tutors are available to help with academic problems both inside and outside timetabled hours.
- Supporting documentation is provided, either online or printed in the form of student handbooks, module handbooks, programme specifications and module specifications.
- All students will undertake Personal Development and Planning
Criteria for Admission
An entrant will normally be a graduate in electronic engineering or a related discipline with 2.2. If entry is with a qualification at a lower level, but with compensating experience, the qualification and experience should both be in the area electronic engineering.
Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of teaching and learning
Quality and Standards
- The University’s Teaching and Learning Committee has ultimate responsibility for quality and standards of teaching and learning in the University.
- The School Board, via the School Teaching and Learning Committee has responsibility for implementing university policy through school-defined procedures.
- Periodic school and subject reviews take place on a rolling quinquennial programme and focus inter alia on the arrangements for quality management and enhancement, teaching, learning and assessment, C&IT strategies, the articulation and assurances of standards, external examiner reports and evaluation and links with professional bodies, employers and other external organisations.
Monitoring, Development and Evaluation
- The Course Committee is responsible for the monitoring and development of the course or programme, taking account of feedback from staff, students and external examiners. Feedback is sought as follows:
- from students through annual course and module evaluation questionnaires, termly staff-student liaison meetings and input from student members of the Course Committee;
- from external examiners through annual reports, course assessment board minutes, assessment moderation reports and informal verbal communication during the year.
- The annual evaluation of the course/programme is the responsibility of the School Board. The Course Committee prepares an annual evaluation report comprising reporting and evaluation, informed by feedback from staff, students and external examiners and by statistical data, under the following headings:
- Outstanding Issues from the previous Year
- Student Achievement
- Standards
- Student Learning Opportunities/Experience
- Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Curriculum Development
- Evaluation of Modules
- Student Applications/Enrolment
- Management and resources
- Summary of Actions required.
Validation of Courses, Modules and Changes
- Course validation takes place under the University's Quality Assurance Procedures for Taught Programmes.
- Amendments to course/programme and module documents are validated by the School Accreditation and Validation Panel.
Teaching and Learning
- The School Teaching and Learning Panel, a sub-committee of the School Teaching and Learning Committee, is tasked with implementing the University's teaching and learning strategy and with fostering innovation in teaching and learning and the dissemination of good practice.
- A process for the peer observation of teaching is in place with the object of enhancing teaching practice and sharing ideas between staff.
Please note
University awards are regulated by the Regulations for Awards (Taught Courses) on the University website.
Quick links to the Regulations for Taught Students, procedures and forms can be accessed on the University website.
Regulation of Assessment
PgCert Electronic and Automotive Engineering
The PgCert in Electronic and Automotive Engineering consists of a 60 credit taught programme in which students must acquire the following credits: at least 30 credits from core modules and the remaining credits from optional modules available on the programme.
PgCert Engineering Studies
The PgCert in Engineering Studies consists of a taught programme in which students acquire their 60 credits from one core module plus optional modules taught on the programme.
Exception to Regulations
- Where a module comprises two or more modes of assessment, all assessment components of weighting greater than 30%, are required to gain a minimum grade of no more than 10% below the pass mark.
- For M-Level modules the threshold will be 40%.
- A maximum of 15 credits in a Master’s degree can be condoned (termed Compensation by the Engineering Council).
Indicators of Quality and Standards
Programme validation
The MSc Electronic Engineering programmes at the University have been accredited by the professional body – The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) for over 20 years. The most recent re-accreditation approval, received from the IET was in September 2021, with the next event scheduled in 2026.
The MSc Electronic Engineering courses are ‘Accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology on behalf of the Engineering Council for the purposes of partially meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered Engineer.’