Please note
Awarding Institution
Final Award
Subject Benchmark Statement
Date of Programme Specification Approval
Version Number
Educational Aims of the Course
Learning Outcomes
Course Structure
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Support for Students and their Learning
At course level support is provided by:
Personal Tutor
The University has implemented a personal tutor system. This system aims to both improve the student experience of learning and teaching, and increase student retention and achievement rates. Specifically personal tutors:
- Provide a personal contact for the student within the University and the School.
- Act as a liaison between the student and course leaders to seek any improvements required
- Offer guidance, assistance and support in managing the students’ academic experience
- Recognise when the problems presented are beyond the personal tutors’ competence and seek guidance and support for the student through the University and/or School referral processes.
- Work with students to review and reflect upon their own progress and if necessary on ways to improve it.
- Take part in supportive training events.
Module Leader
The module leader is responsible for teaching, learning and assessment of the modules within this course.
Course Leader
The course leader is responsible for the entire quality assurance arrangements for the course.
- All students are provided with a handbook giving all relevant information for the course. This is updated annually.
- In 2016/17 a peer mentor scheme in the social sciences was established to run across Criminology and Sociology suite courses. This scheme will also run for students on the Policing and Investigation course. This scheme uses year 2 and 3 students to support the learning experience of year 1 entrants to the course and is linked through the personal tutor system and seminars for the Exploring the Social Sciences year 1 core module.
Criteria for Admission
The University of Huddersfield seeks and encourages applicants in order to widen participation, improve access and apply the principles of equal opportunities. We provide support for applicants who require additional assistance in order to select the right course of study and make a successful transition to studying at University. We encourage local, national and international applications.
The University provides opportunities for the accreditation of prior learning (APL) as stated at the following link:
Further information related to the School APL process can be found on the School pages in Unilearn.
The University’s general minimum entry requirements are specified in the ‘Regulations for Awards which can be found on the Registry website as follows:
Every person who applies for this course and meets the minimum entry requirement – regardless of any disability – will be given the same opportunity in the selection process. General advice and information regarding disability and the support the University can give can be found by contacting student services as follows:
Telephone: 01484 472675
Further information is available at their website at:
Criminal Records Bureau a DBS check is not required for admission. However, individual placement providers may demand a DBS check before accepting intermediate year students onto a placement.
Success on gaining entry on the course and award of an honours degree is not connected to acceptance to the Police. Applicants and students are advised that this is a non-qualifying course and they need to consult the Police Service website for application requirements and procedures.
Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of teaching and learning
The methods for the validation and annual evaluation of courses, including those validated by external bodies, and for the review of teaching and research and of academic support services are specified in the University’s Quality Assurance Procedures for Taught Courses which can be found on the Registry website as follows:
The School is committed to comprehensive student engagement and works actively with the University of Huddersfield Student Union to support this through the student representative system see further information at: .
Within the School students are represented at committee level from Student Panels to the School Board. The School also has a Student Council. Individual feedback on the quality and standards of teaching and learning is received through module and course evaluations.
An effective external examination system is managed by Registry and all reports are viewed at University, School and course levels. External examiner and student feedback, as well as all statistical data about the course, is reported through the course committee structure and scrutinised through the University wide annual evaluation process.
External practitioner expertise inputs into the course design, development and revision though University validation processes and quality assurance procedures.
Please note
University awards are regulated by the Regulations for Awards (Taught Courses) on the University website.
Quick links to the Regulations for Taught Students, procedures and forms can be accessed on the University website.
Indicators of Quality and Standards
This programme specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each module can be found in the study module guide and course handbook. The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed by the University and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
The outcome of the most recent institutional audit can be found at: