Please note

This document only provides information for the academic year selected and does not form part of the student contract

Awarding Institution

University of Huddersfield

Teaching Institution

Sino-British College


Huddersfield Business School


Logistics, Marketing, Hospitality and Analytics

Subject Benchmark Statement

Characteristic Statement - Foundation Degree

Date of Programme Specification Approval


Version Number


Educational Aims of the Course

To develop further students’ subject knowledge and confidence in preparation for the study of undergraduate business programmes. To develop further the students’ English language and academic English skills, Mathematics and IT skills, awareness and use of computer software programs and the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), employability and independent study skills … For more content click the Read More button below. To develop inquisitive and independent learners and extend their planning, research, analysis and presentation skills to become academic citizens. To introduce the students to UK higher education teaching and learning styles and assessments to give them the opportunity to adapt their learning style.

Course Offering(s)

Full Time

Full Time - September

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion you will be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the fundamental concepts, principles and terminology relating to the Business specific content.
Demonstrate knowledge of sound academic practice required for successful undergraduate study.
Read, write and speak English at equivalent of IELTS 6.0.
Apply knowledge and understanding of Business to problems and issues arising from both familiar and unfamiliar situations.
Analyse problems, issues and situations.
Evaluate, distinguish between and assess appropriateness of fact and opinion, and judge information from a variety of sources.
Interpret and analyse both quantitative and qualitative data.
Demonstrate an independent approach to learning in a structured and managed environment.
Communicate accurately and reliably both orally and in writing, using appropriate terms and vocabulary in the appropriate context, in both discussions and written responses.
Work in collaboration with others, both with tutors and in groups with other students.
Use initiative, begin to think creatively and exercise limited evaluative judgment in assessing ideas

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

The aim is to offer an all-encompassing student experience including a curriculum that is relevant, coherent, offers depth and enrichment whilst challenging their pre-existing skills levels. This will ensure students aspire to: Enter a UK undergraduate programme in Business The objectives are: To introduce students to learning in a UK … For more content click the Read More button below. To promote a culture of learning where expectations of students are high To inspire and challenge students in their learning including developing robust processes for self-directed learning To provide students with timely and appropriate support in all aspects of their learning experience To engage students by high-quality and individually-aimed teaching To provide frequent and personalised feedback on assessment. To provide a safe, secure and challenging environment in which the “student voice” is welcomed and acted upon Huddersfield Business School encourages students to be academic citizens who are self- directed and motivated learners. Key research skills such as self-reflection and ethical practice are an integral part of teaching, learning and assessment activity. The development of personal learning and thinking skills, professionalism and employability skills are also fundamental to curriculum content and delivery. To facilitate independent learning, teaching will mainly take place through small interactive group sessions where students are encouraged to explore content, ask questions, contribute to discussions and reflect on their progress. Emphasis is placed on individualised learning and avoiding teaching to the middle to ensure that the learning needs of each student are met.  Learning will also take place to a lesser extent, through formal lectures. Each teaching session is supported by learning and assessment resources on the module page on the VLE. These include slides/learning resources, interactive activities including assessments, useful videos and independent study. Every module will have at least one pre-identified element that will be taught through a flipped learning approach (screen cast lecture and associated assessment) in the independent study area on the VLE.

Support for Students and their Learning

  • Student handbook, incorporating a guide to the Programme and made available before the start of the course
  • Induction programme on arrival for orientation and an introduction to the Programme
  • Introduction to the learning resources of the University of Huddersfield
  • Discrete language and skills modules with an emphasis on the range of academic skills of particular relevance to undergraduate students

Criteria for Admission

  • Successful completion of a “High School” programme of study or elsewhere on an agreed and circulated list
  • A relevant English level equivalent to at least 4.5 IELTS, with no element less than 4.0

Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of teaching and learning

University Level

  • Annual Monitoring process and feedback through the School Teaching and Learning Committee (STLC), the University’s Teaching and Learning Committee (UTLC) and Standing Committee on Collaborative Provision (SCCP).

School Level

  • Annual Evaluation process
  • Annual Executive Meeting attended by Institutional Liaison Officer (ILO)
  • School Board

 Programme Level

  • Course Assessment Board (CAB)
  • Course Committee, Student Panel and student feedback at both module and programme level
  • Regular Meetings of all staff on the Programme, supported by more formal Course Committee meetings
  • Peer observation of teaching
  • Designated Academic Liaison Officer (DALO)

Please note

University awards are regulated by the Regulations for Awards (Taught Courses) on the University website.

Quick links to the Regulations for Taught Students, procedures and forms can be accessed on the University website.

Regulation of Assessment

Assessment regulations are as detailed in the University’s Regulations for Awards, relevant sections of which are repeated in the Student Handbook.

120 credits need to be achieved to ensure progression to an undergraduate programme.  University condonement regulations do not apply to this programme.

Details of the assessment outcomes and schedule for the programme are provided in Appendices 3 and 4. Details of the assessment schedule and outcomes assessed for the each module are provided in each module handbook.

A pass mark of 50 is required in Academic English Skills.

Indicators of Quality and Standards

This Programme specification document provides a concise summary of the main features of the Programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. 

Key sources of information about the programme can be found in:

Course Handbook

Proposed course changes are discussed at the Course Committee and then a proposal is made to the Business School SAVP 

Subject Benchmark Statements:

The Academic English Skills (AES) module marking criteria incorporates level descriptors from CEFR and IELTS. All AES exam assessments are also externally approved as being appropriate for CEFR B2 level prior to use.

The subject modules are based on, and at the same level as AS/A2 levels and reference has been made to Ofqual GCE AS and A Level Subject Criteria subject standards and other level 3 qualifications in the UK. (Mapping of these statements to Foundation programme learning outcomes can be found in Appendix 1). They are designed to provide a wide breadth of creative and critical foundations to further study.  All subject modules assessments are also externally approved.