Please note
Awarding Institution
Teaching Institution
Subject Benchmark Statement
Date of Programme Specification Approval
Version Number
Educational Aims of the Course
Course Offering(s)
Full Time
Learning Outcomes
Course Structure
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Study Plans
Support for Students and their Learning
- Student handbook, incorporating a guide to the Programme and made available before the start of the course
- Induction programme on arrival for orientation and an introduction to the Programme
- Introduction to the learning resources of the University of Huddersfield
- Discrete language and skills modules with an emphasis on the range of academic skills of particular relevance to undergraduate students
Criteria for Admission
- Successful completion of a “High School” programme of study or elsewhere on an agreed and circulated list
- A relevant English level equivalent to at least 4.5 IELTS, with no element less than 4.0
Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of teaching and learning
University Level
- Annual Monitoring process and feedback through the School Teaching and Learning Committee (STLC), the University’s Teaching and Learning Committee (UTLC) and Standing Committee on Collaborative Provision (SCCP).
School Level
- Annual Evaluation process
- Annual Executive Meeting attended by Institutional Liaison Officer (ILO)
- School Board
Programme Level
- Course Assessment Board (CAB)
- Course Committee, Student Panel and student feedback at both module and programme level
- Regular Meetings of all staff on the Programme, supported by more formal Course Committee meetings
- Peer observation of teaching
- Designated Academic Liaison Officer (DALO)
Please note
University awards are regulated by the Regulations for Awards (Taught Courses) on the University website.
Quick links to the Regulations for Taught Students, procedures and forms can be accessed on the University website.
Regulation of Assessment
Assessment regulations are as detailed in the University’s Regulations for Awards, relevant sections of which are repeated in the Student Handbook.
120 credits need to be achieved to ensure progression to an undergraduate programme. University condonement regulations do not apply to this programme.
Details of the assessment outcomes and schedule for the programme are provided in Appendices 3 and 4. Details of the assessment schedule and outcomes assessed for the each module are provided in each module handbook.
A pass mark of 50 is required in Academic English Skills.
Indicators of Quality and Standards
This Programme specification document provides a concise summary of the main features of the Programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided.
Key sources of information about the programme can be found in:
Course Handbook
Proposed course changes are discussed at the Course Committee and then a proposal is made to the Business School SAVP
Subject Benchmark Statements:
The Academic English Skills (AES) module marking criteria incorporates level descriptors from CEFR and IELTS. All AES exam assessments are also externally approved as being appropriate for CEFR B2 level prior to use.
The subject modules are based on, and at the same level as AS/A2 levels and reference has been made to Ofqual GCE AS and A Level Subject Criteria subject standards and other level 3 qualifications in the UK. (Mapping of these statements to Foundation programme learning outcomes can be found in Appendix 1). They are designed to provide a wide breadth of creative and critical foundations to further study. All subject modules assessments are also externally approved.